Write & Produce Pro-Quality Songs from your Home Studio or Bedroom with just your Laptop... using only free or stock plugins
Finally have the CONFIDENCE and repeatable SYSTEM to consistently FINISH MORE MUSIC!

Dear Home Studio Owner:
If you’re struggling to get your mixes to sound professional and polished…
It isn’t because you don’t have the newest, fanciest recording gear.
It isn’t because you don’t have the latest, flashy plugins that’s the new flavor of the month.
The reason why you’re struggling with mixing is because of something much simpler and easier to solve.
IF you’re willing to listen.
Here’s the big question…
Do you want to waste years, thousands of dollars, and your valuable time and energy chasing the next mixing gimmick, hoping for a silver bullet…
… Or are you ready to finally start mixing Radio-Ready Songs?
If so, let’s get started on changing your music forever…
Just in case you don’t know me, I’m Reagan Ramm, the founder of Orpheus Audio Academy, professional recording & mixing engineer for over a decade, and champion of the home studio musician…
But I wasn’t always like this.
I remember when I first started learning how to mix music in my parents' basement during high school.
I’d write and record songs, desperately trying to piece together a nice mix from it… without much success at all.
I couldn't even figure out how to get all of my tracks to align with the beat/tempo of the song for a good year (hello, quantization!).
Sorry to bust the myth, but it wasn't a silver bullet...
My mixing skills took years to build up.
While I started to improve in high school, it took me going to audio school and learning in a multi-million-dollar recording studio in Florida to solidify my mixing skills.
And over the years, I’ve studied all sorts of people inside the recording & mixing world.
As I spent more time learning from them, I realized something that separated them from the average home studio musician...
Nope, it wasn’t a fancy studio.
It wasn’t a big audio school education either.
It wasn't being mentored by a professional audio engineer either.
All these mixing pros had a system approaching their mixes!
Sure, their system would differ from individual to individual. Some of them would start off by mixing the vocals first. Others would swear by starting with the drums and bass.
But no matter what genre of music they made, no matter how many Grammys they had to their name… they approached every mix systematically, just like baking a cake.
Their recipes were different, but they had principles and similarities throughout their process.
They weren't focused on cramming in as many plugins as possible.
In fact, they seemed to rely on just a handful of plugins.
However, they also had an arsenal of mixing tricks that they constantly relied on.
If they needed a vocal to pop, there were just a couple tactics they’d use.
If they needed their drums to have a presence in the mix without being overpowering, it was just a few simple tweaks and they had it.
And through these top audio engineers example, I started to realize something:

I had developed my own mixing process and small arsenal of techniques that worked great for the home studio owner.
After I finished my education at the recording studio in Fort Myers, Florida, I started working on my own music career and songs.
I didn't have the money for a professionally treated or soundproofed room or fancy microphones, so I always had to work with recordings that weren't exactly the best in the world.
For example, I have three young children who can be quite boisterous, so I often found my recordings had their shouts, laughter, or crying in the background!
I still deal with this today, as I don't have any acoustic panels on my the walls of a converted bedroom that I use for my studio. (I've just thrown up some unused mattresses.)
But I was able to consistently get great mixes despite suboptimal recordings and listening environment.
Turns out, by mixing in these less-than-ideal conditions, I was able to refine a system that can take a home studio recording that wasn't great, and turn it into a radio-ready song!
This was in 2019.
Before & After Examples
Here are some examples of songs I mixed.Â
Here is a song by Hesher Cats that I mixed.
Here is a song by Virtual QSO called "Lumen" that I mastered.Â


Here is a song by Marlo called "Take My Heart" that I mixed.Â


Here is another song that I mastered, this one called "Oky Bastian".


Hip Hop
Here is a song that I composed and arranged for a client called "Unspoken Words" by Ouroboros.
(This is an unmixed track.)Â

Fast forward to today, and Orpheus Audio Academy now has over 60,000 monthly readers/viewers, and over 16,000 subscribers across email & YouTube.
But my approach hasn't changed.
It's what you DO with your gear and software, not how much your gear and software cost.
I want other home studio musicians to be able to produce pro-quality music from home... without having to go through all the pain or having to spends tens of thousands of dollars like I did.
So I went to work, dissecting the mixing system that I had refined over years of study and practice...
Stripping away the unnecessary parts and breaking down the system into the bare essentials.
I worked tirelessly to put it together, to put together a comprehensive, definitive system for professional-quality mixing.
One that home studio owners could refer to for years, even decades after it was released, and still get great results with it.
Remember, unless you’ve got a clear understanding and process to mixing your music, it doesn’t matter what gear you have - you’ll always struggle to make the music you want to.
And that’s why today, I’d like to present to you the culmination of my years spent mixing music…
Introducing... Radio Ready Record

My all-comprehensive songwriting & mixing course that shows you the simple steps to radio-ready songs from your home studio with just free & stock plugins
Radio Ready Record gives you my songwriting system so that you can write catchy, amazing songs from scratch, even if you don't know how to play an instrument, or music theory.
Radio Ready Record also gives you my mixing system to produce great songs from your home studio, no matter what mixing software you’re using, no matter what gear you currently have.
In fact - with what you’ll discover inside this course, you could mix a great song even with your iPhone!
Radio Ready Record is an online course that comprises of 6 in-depth video modules.
Here's an overview of what you'll learn inside Radio Ready Record:
Module 1 - Foundations
In this module, you'll learn the fundamentals of the song creation process, and the mindset it takes to become a professional.
- What mindset to have when you start songwriting or mixing. If you've got improper thinking, then you can actually sabotage your own results.
- The essential gear that you need. And none of the fluff. You'll discover the bare minimum gear you need to produce pro-quality music from home.
- The secret weapon to radio-ready records. I know I said there is no silver bullet, which is true, but the technique you learn in this module is as close to one as you'll find.
- How to set up your listening environment so your ears aren't tricking you. Believe it or not, your ears are most likely tricking you, which is why your mixes don't sound good when you take them out of your studio to listen to them. This module will rectify this issue once and for all.
- Learn the fundamentals that most people skip when it comes to teaching music production and mixing, including 7 characteristics of sound, and how loud you should be listening to your music while mixing.

Here Is A Sample Lesson From Module 1:

Module 2 - Song Creation
In this module, you'll learn how to write a song from scratch, even if you can't play an instrument, or don't know music theory.
- Song structure. Here you'll learn how to properly structure a song so that it produces the maximum emotional satisfaction for the listener as possible.
- Arrangement. How to get all of your individual tracks and pieces to sound good together.
- Track-building basics. Learn the essential elements/instruments you need to have in your songs to produce catchy, professional-sounding music.
- Songwriting like the hit-makers. I've spent years studying, analyzing, and researching the hit songwriters and what they say it takes to write a hit song. I've summarized their advice in this module.
- Songwriting when you can't play an instrument. I can't play an instrument, and yet I still create TONS of music. I'll share with you my personal system.
- Quick & easy lyric writing technique. Learn how to write great lyrics quickly that deliver a powerful message and create an emotional connection with your listeners.
- 9 production mistakes that make your music sound amateur (and how to fix them). If you've been wondering why your music just doesn't sound quite like the professional music you hear from your favorite artists, it could be because you're making one of these mistakes.
- How to write powerful verses step-by-step. Discover how to weave life-changing stories into your lyric writing.
- Gain staging. Improper gain staging can ruin a mix, and this lesson shows you how to quickly and easily do it correctly.
- Creating a song from scratch. I'll also break down how to create a song from scratch as I document myself writing a song.
- Using A.I. for idea generation. This is the age of AI, so I break down how you can use AI to make your songwriting life easier.
- End writer's block and discouragement once and for all! Finally, this module wraps up with some mindset training to help you defeat writer's blog and stop feeling discouraged when it comes to songwriting.
Here Is A Sample Lesson From Module 2:
Module 3 - Vocal Production
In this module, you'll learn the how to record and edit vocals so that they are ready to mix. You'll learn:
- How to record pro-quality vocals from your bedroom or home studio (even if you don't have acoustic treatment)
- Vocal stacking techniques. You'll discover different techniques for stacking and arranging your vocals for more width, power, and interest.
- Vocal editing. Comping, aligning, deNoising, tuning, leveling and more, oh my! You'll learn it all here.

Module 4 - Mixing Fundamentals
This module gives you a deep-dive into everything you need to know for mixing.
- Volume balance & panning. You'll also discover how to properly volume balance and pan your tracks for best results.
- Saturation. Saturation is a vital technique for getting a pro or "expensive" sound if you are mixing completely inside of your computer, but many courses skip this.
- Equalization (EQ). EQ is the mixing engineer's paint brush, and therefore, it's one of your most important tools for getting a pro mix. This module will make you an EQ master.
- Compression. Behind EQ, compression is the next most important tool for a pro mix. You can say goodbye to your compression woes with this module, as it goes in-depth on how to use compression (including advanced compression techniques like sidechain compression, glue compression, and more.)
- Reverb. This module will also break down the different types of reverb, and how to use them in your mix.
- Delay. Learn the characteristics of delay, as well as when and how to use it in your mix.
- Automation. Automation, both constructive and creative, play a vital role in adding life, interest, and excitement to your tracks. This lesson shows you how.
- Busses, sends, insert effects, and more, all explained.
Module 5 - Mixing Step-By-Step
In this module, we apply all of the different techniques we've learned. Follow along while I walk-though mixing a song, step-by-step.
- Prepping a mix. Here you'll learn how to prep your mix for success (many skip this step and it results in poorer mixes).
- Mix buss and group buss processing. This module will cover how to go about applying mix buss and group buss processing for a powerful and glued-together mix.
- Individual track processing. Finally, this module dives into how to apply processing to individual instruments.
- Get pro-quality vocals that sit on top of your mix.

Module 6 - Mastering
In this module, we'll wrap things up by breaking down how to master your songs. This module will cover:
- The importance of mastering. Learn why mastering is actually an essential step that you DON'T want to skip.
- Commercial volume standards: How to get the volume level of your release to match professional studio releases without squashing or pumping.
- 3 different ways to get your songs mastered. There are actually multiple ways to get your songs mastered, and each one comes with pros and cons. This lesson will help you decide which is best for you.
- Mastering a song. This lesson walks you through how to professional master your music.
Here is what people are saying about Orpheus Audio Academy:
Joachim D - France
“Reagan is awesome! very professional, simple and efficient... with his work he answers the questions we ask ourselves. Even if we have experience in music production, we learn a lot with Reagan! So thank you and good luck to you."
Decent Views Music
“Thank you for putting these videos up. I don't know music theory that well, but I've been playing and making music for over 20 years. I'm still finding great value in these videos, especially as I am really trying to learn more about the music production and synth wave aspects. Even just showing how the bus worked in this video was helpful for me, and something I'm going to try adding in to my music. I'm surprised you don't have more subscribers as your content is very professional! Thanks!”
To learn what's taught inside of Radio Ready Record, there's only a few options out there:
Option 1: Going to audio or music school and taking a program on recording & mixing
This option could work really well for you, but it will also likely cost you tens of thousands of dollars, and you might have to move cities or countries to do so.
For example, one of the more popular school for learning music production is Full Sail University, which is only about 3hrs away from me.
I even considered Full Sail for a time, but then I saw tuition is $86,000! Yikes!
Instead, I found a small local school which was thankfully a fraction of the cost (only about $10,000), although still way more expensive than Radio Ready Record.
Having to relocate and spend this kind of money means time away from friends and family, as well as possible stopping your current university program, or not working for a period of time.
Plus, what you'll be taught will be geared towards working in a professional recording studio, and you'll have to spend time adapting the lessons to your own home studio environment.
Not ideal.
Option 2: Finding Professional Audio Engineers in your area and asking them to take you under their wing and teach you the art of mixing.
But to do this, you'd have to knock on numerous studio doors, send emails that never get opened, and face rejection until someone yes, if they ever do.
Don't get me wrong--if you're mentored by a professional audio engineer, you can learn a ton.
This was essentially what my college education was, as I learned from a professional engineer in his professional studio where his main job was recording artists.
So I got a college degree on top of personal mentorship...but in my experience, this is a very rare arrangement, and one I haven't seen anywhere else.
Option 3: Trying to learn everything online on mixing yourself, and test it all out until you figure out something that works.
The issue with these various options is that they all cost either a significant amount of money, time and effort to make them work.
And even if you’re a full-time musician, while mixing is a crucial part of the music making process, it could mean you’d end up spending the majority of your time learning mixing as a skill, instead of actually making music!
As a musician myself, I know how it feels like to not be making the music you want to.
I know the angst of not being able to create the picture you have in your head.
It tears you down and impacts your daily life when you know you’ve got music inside you that you haven’t made yet.

But don't worry: Radio Ready Record isn't going to break the bank.
While the content inside this course is worth thousands of dollars spent on audio gear or mixing software, and while what’s taught inside Radio Ready Record is taught inside audio school programs that cost even more…
I want this course to be within the budget of any home studio owner.
And it’s going to cost much less than learning mixing by trial and error, where you can spend endless amounts of money, and still end up frustrated and not make the music you want.
I started Orpheus Audio Academy because I wanted to help people get better mixes and make better music with budget gear so that they can realize their dreams.
My first video on YouTube was on 9 different ways to start writing a song.
(That's me from my very first video to the left)
So how much does Radio Ready Record cost?
Well, the Radio Ready Record course itself is valued at $500…
… Which is already a bargain compared to what audio school might cost, or what even some people’s home studios cost!
And it’s priceless in terms of the time, energy and emotion it’ll save you from trying to figure out mixing by yourself.
And $500 honestly isn’t that much when you think about the potential of what you could do with your newfound songwriting and mixing skills with Radio Ready Record.
If you really like mixing, you could even turn your mixing skills into a viable side income of $500-$1000/month as a mixing engineer.
But most importantly - you’ll be able to mix your music to sound professional, polished, while still sounding unique and individual to you.
So today, because I’ve just launched Radio Ready Record, you can get lifetime access to the course, alongside $200 worth of free bonuses that’s going to accelerate your recording and mixing skills….
NOT for $500 (which would be a reasonable price).
Right now, on this page...
You can get Radio Ready Record for just one Small Payment of Just $297.
And to really make this a no-brainer decision for you...
Your investment in Radio Ready Record comes with a no questions asked, 60-day full money-back guarantee.
That's right.
Join Radio Ready Record today, go through the course, check out the bonuses, test out the songwriting tips, mixing system, and the mixing tricks you acquire in your own music.
And if in the first 60 days of you joining the course you don't think that it's helped you make better music from your own home studio, just email me at: [email protected] and I will refund every cent of your investment.
And no hard feelings. If my course didn't help you, you don't have to pay for it.
And the course can easily be gone through in a weekend or two - so even if you're busy with work or university now, you can pick up Radio Ready Record, and come back to it in the next month. If you don't think you made the right decision purchasing the course?
You can still get a refund, no questions asked.
However, this exclusive offer will only be around for a limited time only...
So if you'd like to mix radio-worthy songs from your bedroom or home studio... now's the time to take action.

So click the button below to join Radio Ready Record for just
One Small Payment of Just $297
Join Radio Ready Record
And to really go all out to give you the resources to finish more pro-quality music and take your music career to the next level...
If you sign up for the GOLD plan, you also receive 4 amazing bonsues:
BONUS 1 - 12 Months Free Access To My Sonic Titans Membership ($240 Value)
In addition to Radio Ready Record, you'll also gain an entire year of access to my membership site.Â
As a member, every month you'll receive:
- Monthly masterclass training
- Monthly Q&A
- Supportive community
- Bonus resources
- Bonus course on time management for musicians

BONUS 2 - Spotify Acceleration System Course ($97 Value)
You'll also get my Spotify Acceleration System course, which walks you through how to make your first $1,000 a month from Spotify streams, WITHOUT ads or expensive playlist submission tools.
 This course covers:
- How to get your music on editorial playlists
- How to get your music on the most powerful type of playlists
- How to develop a network of playlisters HAPPY to add and promote all your future releases
- How to properly release new music to Spotify
- And much more!
BONUSÂ 3 -Â Finish More Music Course ($97 Value)
Radio Ready Record is already going to give you everything you need to finish more music.Â
This is because you're receiving a proven, step-by-step system for writing and mixing music so that you can confidently and consistently finish more music.Â
However, when you buy today, you'll also receive my bonus course which includes even more ninja tips for getting out of the 8-bar loop and finishing more music.Â
This course covers:Â
- Â Why you should finish songs faster
- The 4 phases of finishing a song
- The processing order of operations
- 12 tips for writing songs faster
- How to mix songs faster
- Creating a mix template
- How to easily double your song output
- How to take any 8-bar loop and quickly turn it into a full song

BONUS 4 - Personal Song Feedback ($50 Value)
Finally, if you sign-up for the Gold version of Radio Ready Record, you can also submit one of your songs to me for review.Â
I'll share with you my thoughts on the songwriting, production, and mixing, and let you know what I like, and what I think can be improved.
As a quick recap,
here’s what you’re getting today as part of this exclusive launch offer IF you get the GOLD plan:
- Lifetime access to the entire Radio Ready Record course alongside any future updates ($500 value)
- Bonus #1 - 1 year of access to the Full-Time Musician membership & community ($240 value)
- Bonus #2 - Spotify Acceleration System course which breaks down how you can start earning your first $1,000 a month on Spotify ($97 Value)
- Bonus #3 - Finish More Music, a course that covers some ninja tips for consistently finishing more pro-quality music ($97 value)
- Bonus #4 - Personal song feedback from me ($50 value)
That is $984 worth of value, all for the discounted low price of just $297.
So if you’d like to take advantage of this exclusive offer, and finally get the tools and resources to create radio-ready songs from your home studio, here’s what to do next...
Click the button below, choose the Silver or Gold plan, and you’ll be taken to a secure signup page where you can put in your payment details and sign up for Radio Ready Record.
Trust me - you won’t regret your decision investing into your mixing skills.Â
When you can mix great songs regardless of what gear or software you have, you won’t have to invest into the newest shiny object on the audio gear market.
And you’ll be able to finally produce songs that sound professional and radio ready, without frustration or fuss… giving you more time and energy to make music you love!
And if you join Radio Ready Record now, you’re getting a massive discount, while also getting $287 worth of free bonuses.
Plus, you’ve got a full 60 days to see if the course improves your mixing skills.
You have nothing to lose, and so much to gain!
So give Radio Ready Record a shot today, and click the button below to lock in your spot in the course now.
I hope to see you inside the course!
To your musical success,
Reagan Ramm

Here is what people are saying about Orpheus Audio Academy:
Capt Roy Klassen - Singapore
“I’m quite new to your academy but i like it so far. Its encouraging plus i learned so much in short time. I have new found hope that I will succeed in improving my skills for creating, recording and mixing music.”
Ender Black - Portland Oregon
“Reagan is super knowledgeable and approachable, has helped me a lot in understanding the recording and release process from a wholistic perspective. There is so much more I have to apply to my creative process, and I can count on Orpheus Audio Academy for guidance and motivation.”
Frequently Asked Questions About Radio Ready Record
So what am I getting when I join Radio Ready Record today?
Is the payment checkout service you're using secure?
How much will Radio Ready Record cost after this offer ends?
This course sounds like a lot of work - how much time will I need to see results from Radio Ready Record?
I’m not very good with technology, will this course be too complicated for me?
I’ve mixed music for a while and I kind of know what I’m doing - what can Radio Ready Record help me with?
What if I don’t like Radio Ready Record?
To recap, here’s what you’re getting today:
- Lifetime access to the entire Radio Ready Record course alongside any future updates ($500 value)
- Bonus #1 - 1 year of access to the Producer's Club membership & community ($120 value)
- Bonus #2 - Spotify Acceleration System course which breaks down how you can start earning your first $1,000 a month on Spotify ($67 Value)
- Bonus #3 - Finish More Music, a course that covers some ninja tips for consistently finishing more pro-quality music ($100 value)
That is $787 worth of value, all for the discounted low price of just $197.
So if you’d like to take advantage of this exclusive offer, and finally get the tools and resources to create radio-ready songs from your home studio, here’s what to do next...
Click the button below, and you’ll be taken to a secure signup page where you can put in your payment details and sign up for Radio Ready Record.
Trust me - you won’t regret your decision investing into your mixing skills.

P.S. The way I see it, you’ve got 2 choices in front of you today.
You can choose the blue pill, and you'll carry on your own way, learning mixing online through the odd video and article, and trying out and seeing what works and playing by trial and error.
But what happens down that road?
As someone who’s worked in music for a long time, that road isn’t pretty.
You might be able to make some music - but it’s not satisfying, because you’re constantly struggling to get the sound that you want.
And while you won’t give up immediately, you can end up spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on gear or software, or even a professional mixer to do the job for you…
But that doesn’t even guarantee you’ll like the end result!
And at the end of it… your music suffers the most.
Or you can choose the red pill to try out Radio Ready Record, completely risk free on a 60 day full money back guarantee.
Inside Radio Ready Record, you’ll be shown the fundamental concepts of songwriting and mixing.
How to approach mixing as a whole, the key plugins to use and master, and advanced tricks… so you can use stock plugins in any DAW you have to mix radio-ready songs from your home studio.
You’ll be handed a step-by-step mixing system, for a fraction of the time, money and effort it took for me to discover and refine it into an easy-to-digest format.
And on top of that, you’ll be given the resources needed to kickstart your mixing in the form of a supportive community, and bonus course on finishing more music, faster.
All together, this offer will help you turn your tracks into professional, polished songs.
There’s no risk on your shoulders - so click the button below to join Radio Ready Record now.
See you inside!Â