What If You Could Easily Create Synthwave Music You're Proud Of WITHOUT Expensive Gear or Plugins?

Discover the step-by-step system that takes you from beginner to Synthwave Master in record time (no pun intended).

Enroll Now

Complete Step-By-Step System

An end-to-end, step-by-step, proven system that shows you how to create masterful synthwave Productions, even if you're a beginner with budget equipment. 

Supportive Community

Get feedback, support, promotion, and collaboration opportunities from other Synthwave artists. Maybe meet your next best friend!


Finally Finish Songs Consistently With Confidence

Actually start finishing all those incomplete projects now that you have the knowledge and confidence.


"This course is amazing! Please check it out. It's really, really good." 

Daniel, Owner & Founder of Synth Ctrl

Reagan Ramm

Hi! I'm Reagan Ramm, music production coach and founder of Orpheus Audio Academy. I'm pumped to help you improve your music production skills from home and build a music life that serves YOUR life.

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I Was Never Supposed To Be A Music Producer...

Bad experiences in elementary school music classes and getting bullied during a private school class for learning the recorder made me want nothing to do with music. 

Then I stumbled across a computer game called "Sim Tunes".

Since I knew nothing about music, I just placed random colored dots across the screen (each representing different notes) and then watched as my instrument playing "bugs" made a horrible cacophony. I'm not sure how I was even able to tolerate the dissonance.

But then one day, I heard something that sounded...well not "good", but harmonious. I had actually made music.

Original music.

On a computer in the basement.

That blew my young mind, but it was still years before I did anything serious with music.

It wasn't until my father began recording music with Digital Orchestrator Pro, and he showed me how you could play tuned "gun shot" noises on a midi keyboard that I got the crazy idea to start writing music. 

"Hey, it's just like Sim Tunes," I reasoned, "Only with more sounds and an actual keyboard." However, it was still a few years later before I actually started creating songs for real.

I got a midi keyboard and Cubase Elements for my 18th birthday in 2011 and I started recording music in earnest.

It was awful. Like, I didn't learn about quantization for a year or more and so none of my tracks were actually in time with each other. Yeah.

<--- (By the way, that's me catching the football for my high school back in 2011.)

I Fell In Love With Synthwave, But Couldn't Produce It.

Then, in 2014, after working on finishing an album of mine with a producer friend as a "bucket list" item...

I realized music was something I couldn't NOT do. 

At the same time, I also discovered the bad Futurecop!, and fell in love with the Synthwave genre. 

This was the music I had been looking for my whole life...

But I had no idea how to create it myself.

Thus, began my quest to learn synthwave music production.

In 2015, I Decided To Commit To Music (And Synthwave) 

I dropped out of school at The Ohio State University where I was currently pursuing a BA in marketing at the Fisher College of Business, and decided to move half-way across the country to southwest Florida and join the family business.

When I arrived, I discovered a school an hour away that taught audio engineering and music production.

I enrolled immediately, and graduated a couple years later.

I've helped record music for more than a dozen bands, and have worked as an Arranger on multiple projects as well. 

I also consumed everything I could on synthwave music production.

I spent tens of thousands of dollars buying mixing and synthwave production courses.

I also receiving personal training and coaching from a 40+ year veteran of the music industry and pro studio owner.

Now I want to share everything I've learned about creating synthwave music with you.

Long story short, I'm the last person in the world who should be writing, recording, and producing music. I still don't know music theory or even how to play an instrument!

I've made every mistake in the book, and learned a lot over the years, and now I want to share with you what I've learned. 

Ever wonder why your synthwave tracks just don't seem to measure up to what you hear from your favorite artists?

Worse still, it's very difficult to find detailed, didactic, step-by-step teaching on synthwave production.

You might pull up a video on YouTube only find that it's only 7 minutes long, and skips through most of the important steps for creating a synthwave song. 

Or, you find complete gaps in what is available online for what you're trying to achieve?

As a result, do you ever wonder if you'll ever get your tracks to sound like what you hear on Spotify? 

With so few good tutorials and support online, it's not your fault if you haven't progressed faster. 

That's why I created my complete step-by-step training for learning Synthwave production and becoming a Synthwave Master.

This course will teach you how to craft each and every instrument to give it a Synthwave sound so that you are equipped to pump out pro-level music like a Synthwave production machine.


Synthwave Mastery

An end-to-end, step-by-step, proven system that shows you how to create masterful synthwave Productions, even if you're a beginner with budget equipment. 

Past Students

The Safety Word




10 Billion Lost










Enroll Now

Synthwave Mastery Will Help You To Create:



Synthwave Songs Faster

With a proven system to follow, along with 100s of synthwave loops and samples at your disposal, you'll find it easier and faster than ever to create great synthwave music.

An Analog Studio In Your DAW

Understand how to turn your digital audio workstation into an analog studio (so it sounds and feels analog and 80s).

Pro-Quality Music That Stacks Up Against Your Favorite Synthwave Songs

Be confident on how to arrange and shape the sound each of your instruments (drums, bass, chords, arps, leads, vocals, and more!) so that they sound synthwavey and incredible.

Know how to create louder smoother mixes that stack up against the best synthwave music on the market.

Connections With Other Synthwave Artists

As a member, you have access to:

  • A supportive community of other synthwave artists like yourself
  • The ability to receive feedback on your music
  • The opportunity to collaborate with other synthwave artists
  • The opportunity to have your music promoted by other synthwave artists
  • The ability to submit your music to nearly a dozen different Spotify synthwave playlists every month
  • And more!



Synthwave Mastery is an online course that gives you the tools and proven system you need to create impactful (and great-sounding) synthwave music using the tools you already have.

Over the course of 3 action-packed and easy-to-follow modules, I'll lay out for you my exact method for creating pro-quality synthwave music without skipping a single step.

"Synthwave Mastery has been super helpful!"

Patrick Guyard-Mulkerrin - Synthwave Producer

Complete Step-By-Step System

An end-to-end, step-by-step, proven system that shows you how to create masterful synthwave Productions, even if you're a beginner with budget equipment. 

You'll Learn Sound Design Strategies

You'll also learn sound design strategies for not only making your digital synths and plugins sound more analog and 80s...but you'll also learn how to create your own synthwave sound from scratch.

You'll Know How To Get An Analog Sound In Your DAW

I'll also walk you through how to strategically use saturation in your productions so that each and every one of your tracks sounds like it was recorded in an actual recording studio and run through an analog mixing console and recorded to tape.


Hundreds of Royalty Free Synthwave Loops & Samples

When you sign up, you instantly gain access to hundreds of royalty free synthwave loops and samples that you can drag and drop into your projects in order to create amazing-sounding synthwave songs, fast.

Royalty Free Sound FX

You'll also gain access to tons of high quality, royalty free, sound effects that have been used in countless Hollywood films. 


Steep Discounts On Synthwave Plugins

As a student of Synthwave Mastery, you'll also be able to get discounts on fantastic plugins for creating and mixing synthwave music by Baby Audio and Ujam.

This Program Is Focused On 3 Core Areas:

  1. Synthwave Sound Design
  2. Writing A Synthwave Song
  3. Mixing & Mastering A Synthwave Song

With these 3 core components in place, you'll be freed up to pump out as much top-quality synthwave music as you want.

Module 1: Synthwave Sound Design

In this module, you'll learn how to create your own amazing synthwave sound patches using any wavetable synth. 

This module covers:

  • Synthwave sound design best practices
  • Setting to tweak (or even automate) on a synth for amazing synthwave tones
  • A list of the best synthwave virtual synths and preset packs on the market
  • A resource you can use to become a sound design expert

Module 2: Writing a Synthwave Song

This module covers how to go about writing a synthwave song from start to finish, a I demonstrate by creating a song myself. 

This covers synthwave:

  • Song structure
  • Chords
  • Bass
  • Drums
  • Arps
  • Leads
  • Transitions
  • Creative automation
  • And more!

Module 3: Mixing Synthwave

Finally, this course covers how to go about mixing synthwave for that polished but authentic synthwave sound. 

You'll discover:

  • The 8 top synthwave mixing secrets
  • The best plugins for mixing synthwave
  • How you can replicate an analog mixing studio right inside of your DAW
  • A step-by-step mixing system to get consistently great results each and every time. 

By The End Of This Course, You'll...

  •  Have over 100 amazing synthwave drum samples so you never have to mess with finding synthwave-sounding drums ever again
  • Understand how to turn your digital audio workstation into an analog studio (so it sounds and feels analog and 80s).
  • Be confident on how to arrange and shape the sound each of your instruments (drums, bass, chords, arps, leads, vocals, and more!) so that they sound synthwavey and incredible
  • Know how to apply saturation, which plays a vital role distortion and saturation plays in creating synthwave
  • Know which plugins (both free and pro) to use in order to conjure a nostalgic feel, while also sounding modern and rich.
  • Know how to create louder smoother mixes that stack up against the best synthwave music on the market
  • Have a clear understanding on what makes an effective mastering chain
  • Know how to avoid all of the most common pitfalls of aspiring synthwave producers
    Be able to finish and publish songs faster


Synthwave Mastery is an online course that gives you the tools and proven system you need to create impactful (and great-sounding) synthwave music using the tools you already have.

Over the course of 3 action-packed and easy-to-follow modules, I'll lay out for you my exact method for creating pro-quality synthwave music without skipping a single step.

What people are saying about Orpheus Audio Academy & Synthwave Mastery...


So how much does Synthwave Mastery cost?

Well, I've spent literally tens of thousands of dollars learning music production and synthwave production...

And I've spent years to learn it, from going to audio engineering school, to recording bands, and buying nearly over a dozen different mixing and production courses online.

But I'm obviously not going to charge that. 

The Synthwave Mastery course itself is valued at $300…

… Which is already a bargain compared to what audio school might cost, or what even some people’s home studios cost!

And it’s priceless in terms of the time, energy and emotion it’ll save you from trying to figure out synthwave production by yourself.

And $300 honestly isn’t that much when you think about the being able to create music that you're proud of. Music that brings joy, value, and meaning to others.

But I want every aspiring synthwave artist to be able to get this course.

So I'm NOT charging $300 either (which would be a reasonable price).

 Right now, and this may change in the future...

You can get Synthwave Mastery for JUST one Small Payment of Just $147.

Now that's a price Doc Brown and Marty would approve of!

And to really make this a no-brainer decision for you...

Your investment in Synthwave Mastery comes with a no questions asked, 60-day full money-back guarantee.

That's right. 

Join Synthwave Mastery today, go through the course, check out the bonuses, test out the songwriting tips, mixing system, and the mixing tricks you acquire in your own music.

And if in the first 60 days of you joining the course you don't think that it's helped you make better music from your own home studio, just email me at: [email protected] and I will refund every cent of your investment.

And no hard feelings. If my course didn't help you, you don't have to pay for it. 

And the course can easily be gone through in a weekend or two - so even if you're busy with work or university now, you can pick up Synthwave Mastery, and come back to it in the next month. If you don't think you made the right decision purchasing the course?

You can still get a refund, no questions asked. 

So if you'd like to make pro-quality synthwave songs from your bedroom or home studio... now's the time to take action.

So join Synthwave Mastery today!

Become A Synthwave Master



  • Lifetime access
  • Complete step-by-step system
  • Access to private community
  • DAW Templates
  • Spotify Acceleration System
  • Finish Songs Faster course
  • Advanced sound design lesson (by Synth Ctrl)
  • Project files



Most Popular

  • Lifetime access
  • Complete step-by-step system
  • Access to private community
  • DAW Templates
  • Spotify Acceleration System
  • Finish Songs Faster course
  • Advanced sound design lesson (by Synth Ctrl)
  • Project files

And to really go all out to give you the resources to finish more pro-quality synthwave music and take your music career to the next level...

I've put together 3 free bonuses for you if you sign up for the TURBO version of Synthwave Mastery.

Advanced Synthwave Sound Design - By Synth Ctrl ($50 Value)

If you sign-up for the "Turbo" version of this course, you'll also get access to a special, advanced, synthwave sound-design tutorial by Synth CTRL. If you aren't familiar with Synth CTRL, they are a company that creates and sells Serum preset packs spanning various electronic genres, including many different synthwave genres.

Synth CTRL has put together an exclusive training JUST for those who purchase the "Turbo" version of this course, so if you want to learn how to create your own synthwave sounds and become a synthwave sound-design master, then definitely sign-up for the "Turbo" tier of this course.

Spotify Acceleration System - Advanced ($67 Value)

This is my complete step-by-step course for walking you through how to grow your Spotify streams for free.

In this course, you discover how to generate your first $1,000/month from Spotify in just 30 minutes a day.

The key is learning how to trigger the Spotify algorithm so that it starts to promote your music for you, which you'll discover how to do in this course.

Finish More Music Course ($100 Value)

This is my step-by-step system for consistently cranking out new music so that you can grow your skills, and your fanbase, faster!

New music is the engine that drives growth in the new music industry. Nothing builds fans, momentum, and income better than a steady stream of new music that you can promote. However, finishing professional songs quickly so that you have time for promotion is easier said than done.

That's why I put together my Finish More Music course to give you the tools to finish professional-quality songs in a week or less.

So here's what you'e getting with Synthwave Mastery:

  • All 30 core Synthwave Mastery lessons and 6+ hours of content ($300 value

  • Lifetime access to the entire Synthwave Mastery course alongside any future updates - no update plan here like some plugin companies ($100 value)

  • Bonus #1 - An advanced synthwave sound design lesson taught by Synth Ctrl ($50 value)

  • Bonus #2 - Spotify Acceleration System course which breaks down how you can start earning your first $1,000 a month on Spotify ($67 Value)

  • Bonus #3 - Finish More Music, a course that covers some ninja tips for consistently finishing more pro-quality music ($100 value)

  • Bonus #4 - Synthwave Alliance Community ($100)

  • Bonus #4 - DAW templates & training ($50)


Total value for all of this amazing training, resources, and templates = $764


But you can get it for just $147.


If All This Did Was…

✅ …finally help you mix your tracks so they sound warm, punchy, and professional—would it be worth $147?

✅ …save you months (or even years) of frustration by giving you a proven step-by-step system—would it be worth it?

✅ …give you the confidence to release your music, knowing it sounds just as good as your favorite Synthwave artists—would that be worth $97?

✅ …help you cut your production time in half so you can spend more time actually creating instead of second-guessing—would that be worth it?

The truth is, this course does all of that and so much more.

For just $147, you’re getting the roadmap to finally achieving the polished, cinematic Synthwave sound you’ve always wanted.

So ask yourself… is that worth it to you? 🎹✨

So if you’d like to take advantage of this exclusive offer, and finally get the tools and resources to create amazing synthwave songs from your home studio, here’s what to do next...

Click the button below, and you’ll be taken to a secure signup page where you can put in your payment details and sign up for Synthwave Mastery

Trust me - you won’t regret your decision investing into your synthwave skills. 

When you can create great songs regardless of what gear or software you have, you won’t have to invest into the newest shiny object on the audio gear market.

And you’ll be able to finally produce songs that sound professional and radio ready, without frustration or fuss… giving you more time and energy to make music you love!

And if you join Synthwave Mastery now, you’re getting a massive discount.

Plus, you’ve got a full 60 days to see if the course improves your synthwave skills.

You have nothing to lose, and so much to gain!

Buy today and you get access to all of this for only one payment of $147

Click the button to get started instantly!

Get Started



  • Lifetime access
  • Complete step-by-step system
  • Access to private community
  • DAW Templates 
  • Spotify Acceleration System
  • Finish Songs Faster course
  • Advanced sound design lesson (by Synth Ctrl)
  • Project files



Most Popular

  • Lifetime access
  • Complete step-by-step system
  • Access to private community
  • DAW Templates 
  • Spotify Acceleration System
  • Finish Songs Faster course
  • Advanced sound design lesson (by Synth Ctrl)
  • Project files

There are 2 types of music producers...

Some struggle for years, stuck in the same frustrating loop—watching tutorials, tweaking their mixes endlessly, and never quite achieving that pro Synthwave sound. They pour hours into their tracks, only to have them sound thin, lifeless, and amateurish.

Others take action. They learn the secrets of professional Synthwave production, create polished, cinematic tracks, and build a fanbase that actually cares about their music.

Which one do you want to be?

Right now, you have a choice.

You can keep struggling, guessing your way through endless plugins and mixing mistakes, constantly wondering why your tracks don’t hit like the pros. You can keep feeling stuck—watching others gain traction while your music collects dust on your hard drive.


You can master Synthwave production, create music that sounds legendary, and actually enjoy the process—without wasting years trying to figure it all out alone.


Imagine a 6-12 months from today...

You sit back, press play on your latest track, and it sounds huge. The mix is warm, punchy, and dripping with analog magic.

Listeners notice. Your music gets added to playlists. You start gaining fans who actually love your sound. Maybe you even get licensing opportunities or a record deal.

Best of all, making music is fun again. No more second-guessing, no more endless tweaking—just pure creativity with a system that works.

That’s the power of mastering Synthwave production, and that’s exactly what I teach inside Synthwave Mastery.

If you don’t take action, nothing changes. A year from now, you’ll still be stuck in the same cycle—frustrated, overwhelmed, and watching others pass you by.

But if you do take action, your dream of creating professional, nostalgia-infused Synthwave tracks becomes real.

So, are you ready to finally take your music to the next level?

Click below to join Synthwave Mastery now and start making Synthwave music like the pros!


I Want To Master Synthwave!

So give Synthwave Mastery a shot today, and click the button below to lock in your spot in the course now.

I hope to see you inside the course! 

To your musical success,

Reagan Ramm

Orpheus Audio Academy



  • Lifetime access
  • Complete step-by-step system
  • Access to private community
  • DAW Templates
  • Spotify Acceleration System
  • Finish Songs Faster course
  • Advanced sound design lesson (by Synth Ctrl)
  • Project files



Most Popular

  • Lifetime access
  • Complete step-by-step system
  • Access to private community
  • DAW Templates 
  • Spotify Acceleration System
  • Finish Songs Faster course
  • Advanced sound design lesson (by Synth Ctrl)
  • Project files

Take The Plunge, and Embark On Your Own Synthwave Adventure!

I guarantee this course will help you to become a better synthwave producer, so don't delay, and grab this course now and rapidly accelerate your growth. 

After all, with the 60 day 100% refund policy, you have absolutely nothing to lose, and so much to gain! 

I can't wait to see you inside the course and community and hear your Synthwave music! 

Join Synthwave Mastery Here

P.S. Don’t forget—when you join Synthwave Mastery, you’re joining risk-free. You have a full 60 days to go through the course, apply the techniques to your own music, and experience the difference in your productions before deciding if it’s right for you.

You'll even get some free samples & DAW templates out of it. 

P.P.S. Trust me—once you hear your tracks sounding huge, warm, and professional, you’ll never want to go back to the frustration of guessing your way through synthwave mixing and production.

I know what it’s like to feel stuck, to wonder if you’re wasting your time or if you’ll ever get your music to sound the way you hear it in your head. I spent years struggling, watching others succeed while my tracks sounded flat and lifeless.

You don’t have to go through that.

Inside Synthwave Mastery, I give you the exact step-by-step system I wish I had when I started—so you can skip the pain, the trial and error, and start making polished, cinematic Synthwave now.

Your future self will thank you.

So be bold. Invest in yourself. Get the training that’s guaranteed to transform your music, and finally create Synthwave tracks that stand out.

Your journey starts now.

See you inside! 🚀🎶

Reagan Ramm